Medicare/Medicaid, Fannie and Freddie, Postal Service, FDIC, Social Security all bankrupt. Even the Federal government itself is beyond bankrupt running on borrowed Chinese dollars. Not one single Federal program ran efficiently and we are even thinking about letting them run health care? The insurance companies may not be the best option but their much better than committing suicide with the government option.|||You are right. In fact, lets make private companies run everything. Like the fire service.鈥?/a> I think that would be a great idea because private companies so such a good job...
FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [a]
FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [b]
FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [c]
FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [d]
FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change [e]
FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing the American people [f]
FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and in Switzerland [g]
If anyone can prove the facts above are wrong, e-mail me and let me know.|||absolutely not|||I'm in the army and I have a pretty sweet deal here. If they make it similar to what I have now, then I can honestly say it is much better than civilian clinics.|||Better borrowed Chinese dollars than STOLEN American dollars, which is what the insurance companies are using. They have a gun to our heads, and we're forced to empty our wallets. Insurance company CEOs ought to wear ski masks to work.
And you are wrong about "not one single Federal program ran efficiently." It's just crap Republicans spit out with no proof. Try running on eliminating the "inefficient" Social Security, and watch what happens. And don't spit out that Republican made up nonsense about it being bankrupt.|||No, Obama will **** everything up. He is racist anyways. Obama's close friend and advisor, James Cone, is a known racist who teaches black supremacy. Look it up, ain't no lie.|||should private Enterprise who is only interested in profit and not your health. the government will treat you With compassion private Enterprise will kill you with its "death panel" too expensive to give you good medical care .
private enterprise kills, government saves
the VA is very well run, medicare/medicaid is run with 2% less administrative costs than private Enterprise. this proves in health care the government is more efficient than private Enterprise
you show your economic ignorance if you think the government is bankrupt, total ignorance. the government isnt a company or a private person it isnt bankrupt|||Because the private sector offers no legitimate end to rising costs and subterfuge in gaining the lion's share of the nearly 60% of private sector bankruptcies due to ailments that seem to find no other resolve. Why fight for a government that doesn't give a **** about you as an individual- I've often been fascinated by this self destructive culture. WTF is government for? I really don't need these douche bags to declare war in my name for their own interests while they continue to ignore my health issues! How difficult is this simple concept to understand? Since when have Americans become so entirely clueless? What a 2 billion dollar, Stealth Bomber is more important? Yeah, for a Bush mother ******!|||No, it shouldn't.
The way out of overwhelming debt is NOT borrowing overwhelmingly more!|||The US fails at this,other countries don't. Look at Canada. One eighteenth the deficit, and their system works. Maybe you would take notes from them if you stopped focusing on your influence on others.|||That's only your opinion (or should I say the opinion that Limbaugh and Hannity have told you to have).
You don't seem to be aware that the Health Care reform currently working it's way through Congress does NOT mandate government run health care but does want to offer an ALTERNATIVE, public funded low cost Health insurance for wage earners below a certain income.
An insurance company exists to make the highest profit for it's shareholders, NOT to offer the best health care for it's customers|||i agree the government cant deliver the mail and everyone is like this is gonna save money blah blah how with federal union personell running things? paying people twice what they would get in the private sector cost 4 times as much by the time red tape and beaurocracy gets done with it.|||Past experience demonstrates that government is always less efficient than private enterprise.
The less government interference we have the better off we will be.|||No, they shouldn't run health care. Or be in the car business or tell you what your kids have to learn in school. The problem is large government takes away from individual liberties. The government wants to dip its hand into every aspect of American life. Like, bartering, for instance. They would like to ban bartering because they can't tax it. So when you trade your fence painting skills for a lawnmower, it could soon be against the law, or subject to taxation.|||I think people with pre-existing conditions should have access to affordable healthcare, but I think it's insane to ever consider something like that until spending is cut in other areas of the budget.|||I agree! The Federal Government can't run anything correctly! Therefore, we should immediately abolish the U.S. military, the largest socialist institution in the nation. A system of independent militias and mercenary armies should do the job more cheaply and efficiently. If we could only decide who gets to handle the nukes...
Seriously, you don't seem to have the slightest idea what you're talking about.|||If they don't run it, it should be heavily regulated by them. I am getting raped by these guys. I pay for coverage and they still didn't pay out when I needed it. They also look for any excuse to not cover you. It is a money making business. That is cool, except for in this case human lives are in their hands. We don't let companies sell a toy that kills kids, yet we let for-profit companies make choices that effect our health and lives. That is not an area where profit should be the prime motive.|||Yes. Absolutely without question.
All those things you mentioned that went broke shared one thing in common: they were heavily leveraged. They used borrowed money to invest, and they became dependent on unrealistically high returns. That's why they went broke.
How exactly does that factor into health care? Government-run health care would eliminate the need for hospitals to invest at all. They'd have a budget and have to stick with it.
The key factor, for me, is who do you trust? The government is ultimately responsible to the people. Because of that, any government-run system has to be transparent and fair. No funny accounting and no profiteering.
How can you trust a for-profit corporation with your life? After you've given your insurance company tens of thousands of dollars over several decades, what incentive do they have to give it back to you for treatment? They are only going to give you the bare minimum treatment required to avoid getting sued. And that's it, and that's what actually happens. If you're a lawyer or a journalist, you get great care. But if a regular nobody gets a serious disease, they're going to do everything they can to turf you.
We trust the government-run military. We trust our government-run firefighters? Why not doctors? What makes them different?
Remember that for all the talk about death panels, senior citizens cost insurance companies a lot more than they pay. Which means that insurance companies have a vested interest in seeing them die quickly. Who do you really trust?|||they do run mine... im a military wife...
and so what ? ... first off americans create ther own health issues so why does everyone need to be bailed out... secondly medicare is bankrupt because people live longer... personally i hope i croak young so when im too fuckkign old to contribute anything i wont be a burden on soceity.. the old sap from the young.. leats in anture when a animal gets old it dies and becomes fertilizer.. hell we cant even bury our dead without a casket.. which also is a big issue to me since.. why preserve a body?? u are nt using it anymore.... and canadians do have a nationwide health insurance... and they do just fine... plus cheaper drugs!! im sry but drug prescription companies make too much money.. as chris rock says... they don't want u on illegal drugs they want u on thier drugs... why humans needlessly hold onto life at a old age beyond me.... a u can't walk by yourself... i'd rather be dead than wear diapers, but hell thats just me call me cruel but overpopulation is a major problem and its only a matter of time b4 we die out simply because we misuse resources or theres not enough .. and postal workers get health care cuz they have a shitty *** job, they deliver mail 6 days a week sort tons of mail have to listen to junk mail complaints, keep santa alive ( yes they actually deliver santas letters to a post office enar the north pole..) hafta wear crappy uniforms deliver in the heat, rain,snow.... cold... wind.. need i go on? its a shitty *** job and no one ever really thanks them. fdic isn't health insurance... just need to point that out thats bank money insurance any abk thats fdic insured means any account up to 100k will be insured( u really ought to check facts) fannie and freddie?? ive never heard of it and im pretty well educated albeit crappy typer and ive never heard of it... and american isnt borrowing money form china . it does however had a trade deficit with them aka we buy crap from china... they dont buy our shitty made products because americans are greedy, and many government run programs run efficiently... your very sfaety is a governemnt run program so u might want to shut up. but i agree health care might not be the best option but its nto like americans stop producing kids even though we are vastly over populated as it is, americans still over eat and 75% of the population is overwieght, the rate of diabetes and athsma goes up every year, 20% of all teenagers get pregnent,1 in every 100 children have autism,cancer... is actually VERY preventable with a healthy lifestyle,lack of excercise causes many heart problems along with engineered food ..., 35% of all peopel under the age of 25 has had a std or have one right now... the elderly live a good 20 years past date of retirement.. so social security and medicare are at risk.. trust me its not the government fault.. stop blaming them but blame our greedy drug companiie greedy doctors, greedy ceos of hospitals, greedy humans for creating most fo thier own health issues, over what is it.. 100 billion.... is wasted in healthcare when if fixed they coudl provide health care without havign a national program... and governemtn only fails when peopel forget that they too are a part of it and ought to actively participate in thier communities and u know.. help themselves out a tad too.. but how american.. let someone else do the work for u and blame EVERYONE but themselves... no wonder why we are losing face on world scene.. americas a overindulgant,greedy,lazy, because people don't participate in government we get crappy *** leaders b/c less than 20% of the population actually votes... we cant figure out hey the 2 party system we have now ISNT WORKING and just like how rome was torn apart by vice and same things we are doign now not including the party differences... we will fall. EVERY GREAT EMPIRE HAS FALLEN. so unless every last person starts activily takign a role in ther own lives.. we gonna get squat and only a matter of time b4 end of the world...|||As a Canadian, I just can not understand why anyone wouldn't jump at the chance to have a non-profit public health care system.My husband and I have a combined annual income of $31,000.00 and must pay for the first $300.00 of prescription medicine. After that it is all free. My husband just came home from a 10 day stay in the hospital, absolutely free. $1200.00 prescription drugs also free. I was in the hospital for three days earlier this year. Also free. My sister (bless her soul) died of cancer last year. She lingered on in hospital for four months before passing. There were absolutely no charges for her stay. Why would anybody in their right mind not want these benefits?|||That's not on the table. Even a single payer system wouldn't be "government health care" it would be government insurance company, not government administering care. Its so funny to me that all the right wing healthcare reform hobgoblins, the fear tactics they roll out to scare us away from big bad government, are all the problems that we have NOW and are trying to FIX. Deathpanels! Rationed care! Bureaucrats coming between you and your doctor! The doctors office being like the DMV! Oh my!
um, yes thank you right wing for reminding us of why we need single payer. Do you have an HMO? It IS like the DMV! Right now the bureaucrats and death panels are insurance companies that recise patient when they get sick and bend over backwards to find ways to not cover them. Unless you pay the whole thing out of pocket yourself there will always be a bureaucrat drawing the line where procedures are deemed wasteful. Wouldn't you rather have a government bureaucrat who's only incentive is to provide the best care to everyone, as opposed to a corporate bureaucrat who's incentive is to provide the cheapest care to the least amount of people? Why do you think that we have the most expensive system AND the worst outcomes of all other industrialized nations?
There's as an important difference in each case of why those federal institutions you list are bankrupt, and not all of them are. Medicare and Medicaid can't control costs because insurance companies hold too much market share and are ridiculously wasteful. Its expensive for 3 main reasons - over care: way too many unneccesary tests and imaging; huge billing departments, and lack of power to negotiate costs.
Fannie and Freddy were private with an implicit taxpayer backing, making them too big to fail, which is why they failed--they're the same as AIG or Citigroup or anyone else. They had a heads I win tails you lose incentive scheme like all the TBTF institutions, so they took self destructive risks. It has nothing to do with them being not free-market enough. Well, I suppose you're right if you mean that for them to be truly free market they wouldn't have any government backing--no bail outs, then I agree. But if there was no bail out you'd be wearing a barrel standing in a bread line right now.
So lets agree then that too big to fail should be too big to exist. If something gets that big there need to be systemic risk backstops, they should have to post more capital and de-leverage as they grow, or be broken up into smaller pieces ala anti-trust. But hark, you're not calling for lots more government regulation of financial markets are you! You socialist!
Postal Service is just that, a service, it doesn't need to make a profit. In fact its better as a service if it doesn't. Some services are just expenses. That's what we pay taxes for. They charge for stamps so they can break even. Does the military need to run a profit? Fine, you want the USPS to be profitable and competitive, then stamps will be 2 dollars. That's how they would compete with Fed Ex.
FDIC is low on funds. And I wonder why? Having to bail out all those wreckless capitalists on Wall St. But they're not bankrupt. Are you really calling for dissolution of the FDIC?!?! How about the Treasury too while were at it, and the Depts of Agriculture and Education. I'm tried of Obama telling our school children to work hard anyway!
I don't know enough about social security to make an educated argument, but I'm confident its budgetary shortfalls aren't because its a big government boogeyman come to Nanny State us into submission.
In conclusion, again, government "run" healthcare has never even been proposed. That would mean all the doctors and hospitals are government employees and facilities, not private businesses. If we had that, it WOULD be Communism in health care. Government health insurance ISN'T even on the table. Nor is a public OPTION, meaning all the current insurance companies stay in business and prices stay inflated, but at least there is one other company competing out there in the market that is government run. We don't even get that in teh current bill.
All sides agree that doing nothing IS suicide. The current system is suicide. And its because we let insurance and pharma companies write the laws of the land. I wonder if they're overcharging us and then witholding the goods we overpayed them for??|||That is a question to answered by each individual. If the House Health care reform bill is implemented, each person can choose between either a private plan or a public plan.
Ask the people that use the VA. At one time, it was a bad system. Now, it is so good that it beats private systems in performance. See the link for details.|||Hell no, it's none of their GD biz. If Odumma and the congress wants to push their healthcare plan on me, they should sign up for it too. If it is good enough for me it's good enough for them.
Obama leave my healthcare alone.
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