Saturday, March 10, 2012

Liberals: now that obama has hijacked the financial, auto, health insurance and student loan industries...?

what private, for-profit industry will he takeover next?

maybe the government can squeeze out Apple. instead of an iPod we can all buy oPods... they'll be twice as expensive, hold half as much music and wear out in a year or two... but we'll subsidize them so that everyone can afford one. plust they can be pre-loaded with obama's speeches, a copy of his e-book and photos of the first family.

or maybe a czar and government agency can take over our professional sports leagues... they'll implement affirmative action (so that the talent level goes down but it's more PC) and all games will end in tie scores so that everyone's self-esteem is kept high.

the more government involvement in private industry the better... right?

i mean, does anyone even use FedEx to send packages when the US Postal Service is avaialble?Liberals: now that obama has hijacked the financial, auto, health insurance and student loan industries...?
The makers of torches and pitch forks. It's a growth industry. Oh and ammunition too.
car insurance! lulzLiberals: now that obama has hijacked the financial, auto, health insurance and student loan industries...?
The media and the gun makers.

And raise taxes on junk food to make concentration camps to turn Cons into something useful, like soap and lamp shades.
eric are you really as clueless as you appear to be, or is this just an act to get attention?Liberals: now that obama has hijacked the financial, auto, health insurance and student loan industries...?
Food will be next. We can still afford some foods.
You begin your question with so many lies it's not worth addressing. Learn more from unbiased sources, kid.
Don't agree but thanks for your opinions.`
You do realize we'd be F*cked if he didn't do anything right? The government can and should intervene in emergency situations. If they didn't we'd be a weak country. I hope you don't think the depression was fixed by sitting around watching Rome burn.
That's easy : newspapers and TV
I hope it is the gun industry.

Michelle is up in arms over gaining 50 pounds living at the Whitehouse.
Very dramatic.
professional sports leagues all have player's unions... that sounds pretty socialist
He hijacked the auto ins. industry great. I have paid too much for years just so someone I know can get a huge salary,,,great when will I start paying half for the auto home ins. I pay.
as i recall,he save them from the Genius work of the ex leader of your party....9-11 -HAPPEN ON G-O-P WATCH,AND THEY WENT TO THE WRONG PLACE TO FIGHT...
They haven't been taken over, for crying out loud. They still hire,fire, plan products, market, and sell without government management.

The student loan money was always government money - why should the banks be involved in the lending - it's a government program?

These businesses receive funds from the government and must obey laws - OH NO - money and laws why it must be socialism! Idiots.
Last thing I remember when I was smashed over the head was your insurance, banking, and auto industries begging me for billions while their top execs were flying around in Learjets. I don't even have enough for my child.

Something wrong? You bet. It ain't me, however.
Hijacked the financial industries? Wow, what selective memory...Bush and the Fed paid almost 2 Trillion dollars to bail out Wall Street firms like AIG.

I'm all for selling off the USPS since FedEx and UPS can deliver mail and packages.

For some strange reason you think an iPod isn't an already expensive restrictive MP3 player.

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