Saturday, February 25, 2012

When Obama says the government will not have an unfair advantage over private insurance because UPS does?

much better than the Post Office does, is he saying that one argument for a public option is that he promises it will be run just as poorly as the Postal Service, thus giving private insurance the same competitive advantage as UPS?When Obama says the government will not have an unfair advantage over private insurance because UPS does?
God's Reporter~what you say is Gospel truth but the Democrats that have

not already deserted the sinking ship of Obama and Biden SS

will soon feel the heat of the people~~when they vote them out of office

in 2010 and 2012

Obama is slower then a mailman on valium~~slow thinkers?

Obama care is sinking faster then the Congressional approval ratingWhen Obama says the government will not have an unfair advantage over private insurance because UPS does?
Isn't the Post Office cutting back on services?

Perhaps that is what Obama is talking about, cut backs on health care.When Obama says the government will not have an unfair advantage over private insurance because UPS does?
Oh very good. Of the million lies the right tells about Obama, they finally caught him in an honest mistake. You are right to get indignant, to poke fun and laugh.

But, if you thought about for more than a minute, it is easy to explain. He was simply trying to argue from the Right's point of view. The Right thinks that UPS and FEDex are doing well, despite that they have to compete from the government alternative, which *they* think has problems. Obama doesn't really think the Post Office has problems - he just thinks that the right does. And if you think about it, I haven't had, and no person I know, has had a problem with the post office in got knows how many years.

He was just accepting the Right's assumption to disprove them on their own terms. This is a conventional thing to do when having intelligent and rather indepth arguements with people. You agree for the sake of the arguement a point or two and point out that even it x was true, then you would still be right. In this case, Obama was saying, even if the government option existed, alternative insurance companies could exist competitively, just like the case of the post office and UPS and FED ex.
He's only reading the script from the teleprompter.

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