Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is the biggest problem with public government health insurance option ?

How exactly will this cause problems for private insurers when used in conjunction ? Example: FedEx/UPS vs. United States Postal Service.

Other than the large addition to the deficit, I don't see why everyone is getting so worked up about the issue. Enlighten me.What is the biggest problem with public government health insurance option ?
The right fear it will bite into the money they get from insurance companies.

I am always amazed how many Americans seem not to be aware about the real healthcare issues relying instead on FOX and other sources to spread lies about the healthcare system of the USA and those abroad. I mean, if healthcare in nations with universal coverage is so bad, why do they keep it?

Obama wants to make insurance more available to all and change the system so that it gives the American people value for money [1]. He also wants change so that the insurance companies find it harder to get out of paying for treatment. The system he is proposing looks similar to that which works in Taiwan where private companies are involved in providing healthcare [2].

Obama campaigned on reforming the healthcare system. He said he wanted to make insurance more available and he was elected by the American people to do this [3].

FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids both for kids aged under one and those under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [4,5].

FACT 鈥?American insurance companies push up prices and work to stop paying out claims on those they cover [6].

FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [7].

That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in any western nation with universal health coverage.

If you do not like the policies that Obama was elected to bring in, he can always be voted out of office in 2012. But if you disagree with the facts, please let me know. I am always willing to learn, but please provide proof. None of those who disagree with me have been able to do that so far.
Your example speaks for itselfWhat is the biggest problem with public government health insurance option ?
The biggest problem is that the government would be running it.
conservatives are scared of it. they are scared of elected officials in control of the rules. isn't that why we elected them. to make the rules.What is the biggest problem with public government health insurance option ?
I don't want to pay for your health care on the "public option" and my own with premiums to my insurance.
The government. What does the government do efficiently? NOTHING. Ever. That's the problem.
the only way to pay for it is to raise taxes.
What if the Post Office said there were 45 Million people out there that could not afford to mail packages because FedEx/ UPS etc. cost were to high. so they lower the cost of shipping so low so the 45 million can now ship there packages, of course the price would be so low that the other company's could not afford to pay their personal wages they go out of business. Now you have the post office who can run at a loss because the Government has endless money has all the shipping business, but they are going to have to cut cost also so there Quality of shipping goes down. PLUS they have all this huge debt, that keeps increasing. can you see it now.
You don't have to use FED EX and UPS and you don't have to support those that DO USE IT!

Other than a large addition to the deficit.

Try targeting the seniors, handicapped and children who use government medicaid and medicare and public health card NOW!

They will collapse medicaid and medicare by taking out over 500 BILLION dollars of what they call give to illegals and those that can work and refuse to buy insurance because they don't want it.!

So then you have those three dependent classes of people who NEED medicare and medicaid and doesn't that make you feel proud that you defeated the old, children and handicapped that NEED it more than illegals and those that refuse to buy it?

What good is any fine? It is stupid to make it a fine and jail time. Who is going to do this arresting etc.???? It is all hype!

So if you aren't going to buy health care and there is nothing to fine you because you CAN'T AFFORD IT IN THE FIRST PLACE...and you can't afford to pay a 25,000 dollar fine...why the change? Isn't that MUTE? You are still paying for those that dont 'have it and refuse to buy it and you get less than you did before? IT IS STUPID!

What is in there that you people don't see? YOu are taking over 50 million people and putting them in danger to save 12 million people? AND THEY ARE ILLEGALS AND THOSE THAT DO NOT WANT INSURANCE? There are government health care cards...and there is FREE HEALTH CARE NOW! Why do you want to BUY IT and get LESS?

I swear I just don't understand you people....YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS at a HIGHER RATE than PRIVATE HEALTH CARE! WHERE DOES THIS MAKE SENSE?????

And someone nailed something else on the head. You are right...I AM AFRAID OF these elected officals running government programs. TRILLIONS IN DEBT and unemployment and no recovery...and they have failed and bankrupt every program that is a social program and you wonder why we don't' trust them? ARE you kidding me?
The only people getting worked up about the issue are the wealthy, whose taxes are going to be raised, and those who make money doing business with insurance companies.

The truth is, making a profit off of health care is a bad idea. Medicare is an example of a well run government health program.
A couple of the problems with Obamas health care plan is first and foremost, government involvement in health decisions! Hell they can't even take care of business like they're elected to do, let alone getting involved in the care of my health.

Then there is the fact that it is going to lead to socialized medicine. Think that's a good thing? Then explain to me why Canadians come to the USA to get treatment? It's because they must wait in a cue to even see a doctor. Sometimes for months! Ask them how it's working for them! It's bad enough to belong to an HMO and have people sitting round a table (who aren't' even doctors) discussing your medical needs and determining whether you need to see a specialist or not, let alone having some damned politician making that decision. Then there is the fact that the people who are actually working supporting their families and providing medical care for them are going to be the ones paying for the "public option". Not on your life!

Also the fact that there are means made for illegal aliens to get on the public option and everyone in the country legally will be paying tiertheir health care, too! I know, people are going to have to produce a valid SS card to get the public option. That means that the illegals are going to be issued SS cards, and that will allow them to suck up the funds away from citizens of this country.

Had enough or should I continue!?
That it won't cover everyone who needs it.

No, it won't add hugely to the deficit; NOT reforming health care WILL.
IMMUNITY! If they screw up, and cause a death, or serious injury (brain damage, amputation, paralysis, terminal disease) you can't sue them. Many states already have immunity if you use a university hospital. Look it up. Tort reform helps insurance companies, not the injured. Most malpractice is covered under this immunity.

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